Civil War
Civil War
Civil War
Weapons Website of the Leavey Foundation for Historic Preservation, Inc. dba AzRA Historical Resources and AZRA

American Civil War Saddles and Tack

Civilian & Military horse equipment

Confederate / CS / CSA & Union / US / USA

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Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:34:39 MST

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Civilian Saddles

Military Saddles

Horse Tack
Civilian & Military

M1859 Officer's McClellan Cavalry Saddle with all accessories     AzRAHist's Saddles and Tack items include a large variety of original and reproduction tack for the 1800s, for both civilian and military use. We specialize in everything that a horseman would need for his horse during the 19th century. We can supply all the necessary items to outfit the horse, including:
  1. Military saddles: Grimsley, McClellan, Jenifer, Hope, Ranger / California, Spanish, etc.
  2. Civilian saddles: Santa Fe, 1870's and 1880's Western, Mexican, Hope, Pack, Pony Express.
  3. Bridles, bits (curb, watering, snaffle), halters, headstalls, lead straps, cruppers, surcingles, breast collars.
  4. Horse brushes, curry combs, hoof picks, horseshoe pouches.
  5. Horse blankets and pads, saddle blankets.
  6. Saddle bags, bedrolls, pommel holsters.
  7. Carbine boots, carbine thimbles, buckets, nose bags, picket lines, picket pins, ration bags.
  8. and most everything else needed.

    We currently offer reproduction saddles and tack from the 1820s through 1900; which includes, Dickens, Jacksonian Era, the Victorian Era (Mexican War, Antebellum, American Civil War, Old West (Indian Wars), Gilded Age, Gay 90s, Spanish American War (Span-Am)) and more.

    For accouterments (leathergoods), goods and other accessories, see our Prop Department.

    For tents, camp furniture and other camp items, see our Set Dressing Department.

Civilian Saddles

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:47:51 MST

Drover Saddle (1800s/19th Century)
Drover Saddles
Hope Saddle (1800s/19th Century)
Hope Saddles
Hope Saddle (1800s/19th Century)
Spanish Saddles
Western Saddle (1800s/19th Century)
Western Saddles
Santa Fe Saddle (1800s/19th Century)
Mexican Style Saddles
Pony Express Saddle (1800s/19th Century)
Pony Express Saddle & Mochila
Pack Saddle (1800s/19th Century)
Pack Saddles

Military Saddles

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:47:51 MST

Mexican War 1847 Grimsley Saddle
1847 Grimsley
M1859 McClellan Saddle, Civil War
1859 McClellan
Civil War Ranger / California Saddle
Confederate (CS) McClellan Saddle
Confederate (CS) McClellan
Hope Civil War Military Style Saddle
Spanish Civil War Military Style Saddle
Spanish Style
Jenifer Military Style Saddle, Civil War
M1872 McClellan
1872 McClellan
m1863 Cavalry Bit, Civil WarM1874 McClellan
1874 McClellan
M1885 McClellan
1885 McClellan
M1904 McClellan
1904 McClellan

Period Military and Civilian Horse Tack

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:47:51 MST

Bits  Halters  Breast Collars  Saddle Bags  Surcingles/Girths  Nosebags  Blankets, Ponchos, Ground Cloths
Bits, Bridles & Reins, Halters & Lead Straps, Breast Collars, Saddle Bags, Nosebags, Horse Brushes, Blankets, Ponchos, Ground Cloths, etc.

    Our reproduction Victorian, American Civil War (US / Union, CS / Confederate), Indian War, Old West and Edwardian uniforms, civilian clothing (wardrobe) and equipment (accouterments, saddles and tack, camps equipment, etc) has been seen in historical films and period pieces, such as: Glory; North and South, Book II; Back to the Future III; Far and Away, etc. And in television projects, such as: Ironclads, Geronimo (TNT), Buffalo Soldiers, Blind Justice, Los Locos, Young Riders and others. Theatre companies also use our items for stage productions, while schools, teachers and museums use them as learning aids.


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Shipping: Domestic Shipping (continental US, Alaska, Hawaii and Territories). International Shipping to MOST countries.

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Complete Checkout or it WILL delay your order. Additional how to order info.


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11/11/2020 NOTE: We are trying to get things restarted, but is taking time.
Medical Issues are still a problem and have been for some time. I am
going to have to cut back on products as we run out of slow moving items.
Call before ordering if you want to see where we are.

A Computer Crash lost orders made prior to 2/10/2018.

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