US Genls
Shell Jacket
JR Officers
Shell Jacket Website of the Leavey Foundation for Historic Preservation, Inc. dba AzRA Historical Resources and AZRA

Union Senior Officer's Shell Jacket

U.S. Civil War Uniform Coat

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Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:48:19 MST
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Senior Officer's Shell Jacket Shoulder Boards Trousers / Pants
Sash Belt Sword  

U.S. Officer's Shell Jacket for Senior Officers (Union)

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:46:19 MST

US (Union) Senior Officers Shell Jacket
       The U.S. Civil War Senior Officer's Uniform Double Breasted Shell Jacket has the front buttons spaced per regulations. It is made of dark blue wool and lined with black cotton. The collar and cuffs are made of the same material as the coat. The coat comes with an inside left breast pocket. It has functional cuffs, with three button closure. It is identical to the Senior Officer's Frockcoat except the jacket has no skirt.

     Senior Officers Double Breasted coat comes with a 14 button front and a total of 20 buttons.

   The Gold or black sleeve braid on this jacket was not regulation. However, there are examples of original uniforms in museums that have this braid on the sleeves. Some have the braid in black, others in gold. The pattern indicates the rank and is taken from the cloak coat sleeve braid design.

U.S. (Union) Officer's Shell Jacket
for Senior Officers

Civil War Senior Officers Shell Jacket with Sleeve Braid, American Civil War Military Uniforms
w/Shoulder Boards
& Sleeve Braid
Civil War Senior Officers Shell Jacket, American Civil War Military Uniforms
w/Shoulder Boards
& NO Sleeve Braid

    This REPRODUCTION Clothing item is Made in the USA. This a quality reproduction item made as close as is modernly possible. Sewing is done by machine to keep costs down (except where hand sewing is required) and most do not show externally. Some items offer hand sewing on exposed stitching (such as buttonholes) for an additional cost.

    Pictures of the item on this page are pictures of the item we sold. All pictures of items we sell are Copyrighted, either by us or our supplier of the item.

    This is not a costume that is made using modern construction or components that did not exist during the time of its original usage (IE: zippers, etc.). Beware of fakes, especially ones using images stolen from this site (Copyright Infringement).

These items are
Made in USA
Made in USA

    Shoulder Boards are shown but NOT included.

    Material and Color Samples Page.
    Measurement Chart: Click Here.

    Custom made item, please allow 8 - 10 weeks for delivery. Custom Clothing and Uniforms are not returnable. Rush orders are available for an additional price. A rush order reduces the manufacturing time from 8 - 10 weeks to 4 - 5 weeks. The price on rush orders DOES NOT include faster shipping, for faster shipping use the shipping option on the "View Cart" page.

U.S. Senior Officers Shell Jacket (QM-0420)

Civil War Senior Officers Shell Jacket, American Civil War Military Uniforms

Priced From:
Size: Size chart
Wool Choice:
Shoulder Boards:

Sew on Shoulder Boards, adds $25.00
Sleeve Braid:
Branch of Service Buttons:

Sew on Buttons $24.00
Chest options:
Coat lining:
Watch pocket, exterior:
- - - - - Comments and Measurements - - - - -
To insure proper size coat, include ALL the size information below.
Comments (70 characters max)
Largest Stomach
(Usually @ Belly Button)

Top of Shoulder to 1"
Above Upper Knuckles

Delivery Time:
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1850 through 1871 Officer's Shoulder Boards

including Post Mexican War, Civil War and Post Civil War

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:46:22 MST

Civil War Officers Shoulder Boards / Bars
    Normally only worn on the fatigue uniforms (Civil War: Sack Coat and Frock Coat / Indian Wars: Sack Coat and Undress Coat). But sometimes used on the Indian Wars Dress Frock Coat for Undress Occasions. Shoulder boards for uniforms are sold in pairs.

    Branch of service colors are: Artillery - Red, Cavalry - Yellow, Berdan - Green, Chaplain - Black w/Cross, Engineer - Black w/Castle, Infantry - Medium Blue, Medical - Black w/MS, Paymaster - Black w/PD, Quartermaster - Black w/QM, Signal Corps - Black w/Crossed Flags, Topo Engineer - Black w/TE, Staff, including ALL Generals - Black.

    Chaplain, Engineer, Medical, Paymaster, Quartermaster, Signal Corps and Topo Engineer in ranks other than Captain and Major are a custom item and can take 4 to 12 weeks for delivery.

    Very Fancy Shoulder Boards: these included: Double Row Border, Triple Row Border, Four Row Border and Oak Leaf Border. These are wider than the standard shoulder boards, up to 2-1/4" wide. We only offer the triple row and oak leaf border ones. These are special order shoulder boards and can take 4 to 12 weeks for delivery.

Very Fancy Shoulder Boards - Special Order

Officer's Shoulder Boards, Double Row Border Officer's Shoulder Boards, Triple Row Border Officer's Shoulder Boards, Four Row Border Officer's Shoulder Boards, Oak Leaf Border
Double Row Border Triple Row Border Four Row Border Oak Leaf Border

     Shoulder Boards are NOT included with coats, but are available for an additional cost. You must add these item to the cart separately.

US Staff and Field Officer's Standard/Regulation Shoulder Boards

Rank/Branch Artillery
U.S. Shoulder Boards, 2nd Lieutenant's
2nd Lieutenant
U.S. Shoulder Boards, 1st Lieutenant's
1st Lieutenant
U.S. Shoulder Boards, Captain's
U.S. Shoulder Boards, Major
U.S. Shoulder Boards, Lieutenant Colonel
Lt Colonel
U.S. Shoulder Boards, Colonel
ALL Generals are Staff Black
U.S. Shoulder Boards, Brigadier General: 1 Star
Brigadier General
1 Star

@ $29.00/Pair
U.S. Shoulder Boards, Major General: 2 Star
Major General
2 Star

@ $29.00/Pair
U.S. Shoulder Boards, Lieutenant General: 3 Star
Lieutenant General
3 Star

@ $29.00/Pair
U.S. Shoulder Boards, General of the Army: 4 Star
General of the Army
4 Star

@ $29.00/Pair
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US Special Services Officer's Standard/Regulation Shoulder Boards

Rank/Branch Chaplain,
Black w/Cross
U.S. Shoulder Boards, General of the Army: 4 Star
Black w/Castle
U.S. Shoulder Boards, General of the Army: 4 Star
Black w/MS
U.S. Shoulder Boards, General of the Army: 4 Star
Black w/PD
U.S. Shoulder Boards, General of the Army: 4 Star
Black w/QM
U.S. Shoulder Boards, General of the Army: 4 Star
U.S. Shoulder Boards, 2nd Lieutenant's
2nd Lieutenant
U.S. Shoulder Boards, 1st Lieutenant's
1st Lieutenant
U.S. Shoulder Boards, Captain's
U.S. Shoulder Boards, Major
U.S. Shoulder Boards, Lieutenant Colonel
Lt Colonel
U.S. Shoulder Boards, Colonel
N/A @
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US Special Services Officer's Standard/Regulation Shoulder Boards

Rank/Branch Ordnance Department,
Black w/OD
Signal Corps,
Black w/Crossed Flags
Topo Engineer,
Black w/TE
U.S. Shoulder Boards, 2nd Lieutenant's
2nd Lieutenant
U.S. Shoulder Boards, 1st Lieutenant's
1st Lieutenant
U.S. Shoulder Boards, Captain's
U.S. Shoulder Boards, Major
U.S. Shoulder Boards, Lieutenant Colonel
Lt Colonel
U.S. Shoulder Boards, Colonel
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Very Fancy / Non-Regulation Shoulder Boards - Special Order

Officer's Shoulder Boards, Oak Leaf Border

Priced From:
$35.00 per Pair

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Foot and Mounted Trousers for U.S. (Union)

Enlisted, NCO's and Officers

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:46:20 MST

U.S. Military Trousers, foot and mounted. M1858 Infantry Sergeant shown.
M1858 Inf. Sgt.
    Both the M-1858 (Dark Blue) and M-1862 (Sky Blue) US Army trousers are offered. Our Union style trousers have the split back with cord tie and comes with side seam pockets. Mule Ear, Dog Ear and USMC French style pockets are available as an extra cost item. Trousers should be worn quite loose. They also have a 1" higher rise than today's blue jeans. Legs are left un-hemmed so that you can hem them the length that you want. Pewter buttons for fly and suspenders are supplied. ONE front suspender button is standard. If two per side are desired, specify and add 50 cents.

    Mounted style has an extra layer of wool in the seat and inner leg area. Standard color is Sky Blue, however, M-1858 model dark blue and Berdan's Green is available on custom order.

    The M-1862 trousers were worn well into the Indian Wars. If you are purchasing them for Indian Wars NCO or Officer use, make sure to specify the appropriate M1872 Trouser stripe.

    For Army Officers: The 1858 Army Regulations called for officer's of all branches to wear Dark Blue trousers with the appropriate branch of service colored cord welt (piping) in the out seam. Generals and Staff Officer's trousers were to be plain without any piping. The 1862 Uniform Regulations changed the trouser color to Sky Blue for line officers (Artillery, Cavalry and Infantry) and continued the branch colored piping. Generals and their staff officers were to continue wearing Dark Blue trousers. However, 1861 Regulations now called for Staff Officer's trousers to have a 1/8" gold metallic piping. General's trousers continued to be plain without any piping.

    For USMC (United States Marine Corps) order the Sky Blue trousers with the USMC pocket and belted back options. For Privates, Corporals, Sergeants and First Sergeants order them without any piping/trouser stripe and for Officer's, Sgt Major, QM Sgt, Drum Major, Chief Musician and Musicians order them with the USMC piping.

    For Veterans Reserve Corps order the Sky Blue trousers with either back option and the Veterans Reserve Corps stripes.

    For Navy Officer's order the Dark Blue trousers with side seam pockets, belted back option and NO piping/trouser stripe.

U.S. Military Trousers, Foot and Mounted (QM-0701)

Enlisted, NCO's and Officers

M1862 mounted trousers, view of front and back
M1862 trousers
front and back
U.S. M1858 foot trousers in dark blue with Infantry Officers stripe, American Civil War Uniforms
U.S. M1862 foot trousers in sky blue with Infantry sergeants stripe, American Civil War Uniforms
U.S. foot trousers in green for Berdan Sharpshooters, American Civil War Uniforms
USMC trousers for officer's and senior NCO's - pocket detail, American Civil War Uniforms
back belt
USMC trousers for officer's and senior NCO's, American Civil War Uniforms
Sr NCO & Officer
USMC trousers for officer's and senior NCO's - pocket detail, American Civil War Uniforms
USMC French Pocket
& optional watch pocket

    This REPRODUCTION Clothing item is Made in the USA. This a quality reproduction item made as close as is modernly possible. Sewing is done by machine to keep costs down (except where hand sewing is required) and most do not show externally. Some items offer hand sewing on exposed stitching (such as buttonholes) for an additional cost.

    Pictures of the item on this page are pictures of the item we sold. All pictures of items we sell are Copyrighted, either by us or our supplier of the item.

    This is not a costume that is made using modern construction or components that did not exist during the time of its original usage (IE: zippers, etc.). Beware of fakes, especially ones using images stolen from this site (Copyright Infringement).

These items are
Made in USA
Made in USA

    Material and Color Samples Page.
    Measurement Chart: Click Here.

Foot Trousers

    In DARK BLUE or if STRIPES are added to these trousers they become a     Custom made item, please allow 8 - 10 weeks for delivery. Custom Clothing and Uniforms are not returnable. Rush orders are available for an additional price. A rush order reduces the manufacturing time from 8 - 10 weeks to 4 - 5 weeks. The price on rush orders DOES NOT include faster shipping, for faster shipping use the shipping option on the "View Cart" page.

U.S. Military FOOT Trousers

for Enlisted/NCO & Officers including Navy & Marines
U.S. M1862 foot trousers in sky blue with Infantry sergeants stripe, American Civil War Uniforms
Priced From:
Back Style:
Rank Stripe (Civil War or M1872):
Suspender buttons:

Sew on Buttons $12.00
Pants Pockets:

Watch Pocket:
Trousers Raw or Hemmed:
(please measure twice, hemmed trousers cannot be returned)

- - - - - Comments and Measurements - - - - -
To insure proper size Pants, include ALL the size information below.
Comments (50 characters max)
Largest Stomach
(Usually @ Belly Button)

Largest Around Thigh
Delivery Time:
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    Custom made item, please allow 8 - 10 weeks for delivery. Custom Clothing and Uniforms are not returnable. Rush orders are available for an additional price. A rush order reduces the manufacturing time from 8 - 10 weeks to 4 - 5 weeks. The price on rush orders DOES NOT include faster shipping, for faster shipping use the shipping option on the "View Cart" page.

U.S. Berdan Sharpshooters Trousers

for Enlisted/NCO and Officers
U.S. foot trousers in green for Berdan Sharpshooters, American Civil War Uniforms
Priced From:
Rank Stripe:
Suspender buttons:

Sew on Buttons $12.00
Watch Pocket:
Trousers Raw or Hemmed:
(please measure twice, hemmed trousers cannot be returned)

- - - - - Comments and Measurements - - - - -
To insure proper size Pants, include ALL the size information below.
Comments (50 characters max)
Largest Stomach
(Usually @ Belly Button)

Largest Around Thigh
Delivery Time:
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Mounted Trousers

    In DARK BLUE or if STRIPES are added to these trousers they become a     Custom made item, please allow 8 - 10 weeks for delivery. Custom Clothing and Uniforms are not returnable. Rush orders are available for an additional price. A rush order reduces the manufacturing time from 8 - 10 weeks to 4 - 5 weeks. The price on rush orders DOES NOT include faster shipping, for faster shipping use the shipping option on the "View Cart" page.

U.S. Military MOUNTED Trousers

for Enlisted/NCO and Officers
U.S. M1862 foot trousers in sky blue with Infantry sergeants stripe, American Civil War Uniforms
Priced From:
Back Style:
Rank Stripe (Civil War or M1872):
Suspender buttons:

Sew on Buttons $12.00
Pants Pockets:
Watch Pocket:
Trousers Raw or Hemmed:
(please measure twice, hemmed trousers cannot be returned)

- - - - - Comments and Measurements - - - - -
To insure proper size Pants, include ALL the size information below.
Comments (50 characters max)
Largest Stomach
(Usually @ Belly Button)

Largest Around Thigh
Delivery Time:
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Civil War Officers Sashes

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:46:18 MST

Civil War Officers Sash
    From 1852 thru 1872 the US Army Regulations call for officers to wear a silk net sash. US Sergeant Majors, Quartermaster Sergeants, Hospital Stewards and First Sergeants were to wear red wool sashes. The Confederate Army Regulations were the same as the US Army Regulations, except that they added a Yellow Sash for Cavalry Officers.

    The Sash was wrapped twice around the waist and tied at the left hip. The pendant was to extend about 18" below the waist.

    These sashs come in two lengths:
  1. Standard Length: 30" to 40" Waist Size.
  2. Long Length: 42" to 48" Waist Size. Long Length is available in Crimson, Yellow and Buff ONLY.
Tassel Colors of sashes, by Branch
Civil War Officers Sash, Tassel 2 A US & CS General Officers (General's): Buff
B US & CS Line and Staff Officers and
USMC Officers, except Commandant: Crimson/Wine
US Dragoon Officers: Orange
C US & CS Medical Officers: Emerald
D CS Cavalry Officers: Yellow
E US NCO Red Wool Sash

Civil War Officers Sashes (QM-1901x/QM-1901xL)

Civil War Officers Sash
Priced From: $49.00
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Sabre Belt for Mounted Troops and Officers

U.S. Black Leather or C.S. Russet Leather

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:46:56 MST

Cavalry Sabre Belt, Regulation Black Leather
Black, Officer's Plain Sabre Belt
Cavalry Sabre Belt, C.S. Russet Leather
Officers Cavalry Sabre Belt with Fancy Stitching, U.S. Black Leather
CS Officer's Sabre Belt
w/Brass Shoulder Strap Buckle
and Decorative Stitching
Officers Cavalry Sabre Belt with Fancy Stitching, U.S. Black Leather
US Officer's Sabre Belt
w/Brass Shoulder Strap Buckle
and Decorative Stitching
      This item was used by both Union and Confederate Mounted troops (Cavalry and Mounted Artillery, etc.), as well as many officers using it for fatigue duty. All saber belts for U.S. troops were black leather. Some Confederate troops had black leather belts, while others had them in russet leather.

    Show as officer's plain version, with brass adjusting buckle on shoulder strap. The is also a fancy version with the brass adjusting buckle on shoulder strap and decorative stitching. Enlisted belts did not have a buckle on the shoulder strap.

    This REPRODUCTION Leather item is Made in the USA. This a quality reproduction item made as close as is modernly possible. Sewing is done by machine to keep costs down (except where hand sewing is required). The leather is oiled, except for the White Buff Leather and the Enameled Leather, (usually Neatsfoot Oil) to protect it, but is usually soaked in by the time you receive it (we do not use Neatsfoot Oil Compound as it can damage stitching).

    Our Russet Leather Oak Tanned Leather. It is not dyed, it is the natural color from the tanning process. Color will vary with lot. It will darken with age. If you want to speed up the process leave it outdoors in the sun on a hot day. Also the more you oil it the darker it will become. There is a very good article about 1800s russet by David Jarnigan and Ken Knopp at

    Pictures of the item on this page are pictures of the item we sold. All pictures of items we sell are Copyrighted, either by us or our supplier of the item.

    This is not a costume that is made using modern construction or components that did not exist during the time of its original usage (IE: chicago screws, etc.). Beware of fakes, especially ones using images stolen from this site (Copyright Infringement).

These items are
Made in USA
Made in USA

    NOTE: Belts should be ordered by WAIST SIZE, not the size over clothing. Belts are made longer (usually 4'') to adjust for going over the coat. If you will NOT be wearing this belt over a coat, then order your belt 2 inches smaller than your waist size.

Sabre Belt, U.S. Black Leather or C.S. Russet Leather

Cavalry Sabre Belt, Regulation Black Leather
Priced From:
Waist Size:
Belt Color:
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U.S. M1850 Staff and Field Officers Sword

Item Last Updated: Friday, 15-Mar-2024 13:48:02 MST

US M1850 Staff and Field Officers Sword
    On April 9, 1850, the US Army adopted a standard saber for all staff officers and for the field officers of infantry, artillery and riflemen. Like the foot officer's sword adopted the same day, it was based upon a French sword. It was used until 1872 when the lighter model 1860 became the regulation. The blade is slightly curved and is single edged with a false edge extending back nine inches from the point. It has a wide deep fuller which runs from ricasso to the beginning of the false edge, and there is a narrow fuller above the wide fuller which is about five inches shorter than the wide fuller. The obverse side of the blade is decorated with etched designs which include floral sprays, military trophies, an American eagle and a large ribbon with the motto "E PLURIBUS UNUM". The reverse side also has similar etching with "U S" instead of the eagle and the ribbon. The blade bears the words "IRON PROOF". The pommel and hilt are brass and the grip is wood covered with black leather and wire bound. The scabbard is metal and black with brass mounts.

    Overall length: 38", Blade: 32" by 1 1/8inches wide at the hilt. Weight: 3 lbs. 9 oz.

US M1850
Staff and Field Officers Sword

US M1850 Staff and Field Officers Sword
Price: $225.00
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   Insignia    Pants    Vest    Sash    Dress Shirt    Suspenders    Cravat    Hat    Shoes/Brogans    Boots    
  Accouterments:   Belts   Cartridge Boxes   Holsters   Other   Musical   Personal Items   Writing Equipment
  Set Dressing:   Barrels, Boxes, Etc   Buckets   Cups, Plates, Etc   Lanterns   Tents
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    All Officer Uniforms (Coats, Pants, Vests, Kepis and Forage Caps), all Indian War Uniforms (Coats,
Pants, Wool Shirts & Vests) and All Civilian Clothing (Coats, Pants & Vests) as well as Many Large and Tall size
items take 9 to 11 weeks for  delivery; UNLESS the item has a delivery time listed, then that is the delivery time.
Most other clothing (WHITE Cotton Shirts, Cravats, Suspenders, Felt Hats, etc.) take 2 - 4 weeks for delivery.
    For more information on ordering, see Order Information Page. Click Here.
    For Clothing and Uniform measurement chart: Click Here.


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11/11/2020 NOTE: We are trying to get things restarted, but is taking time.
Medical Issues are still a problem and have been for some time. I am
going to have to cut back on products as we run out of slow moving items.
Call before ordering if you want to see where we are.

A Computer Crash lost orders made prior to 2/10/2018.

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