Civil War
Civil War
Navy Website of the Leavey Foundation for Historic Preservation, Inc. dba AzRA Historical Resources and AZRA


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US Infantry Officer from Glory
US Infantry Officer
from Glory
     Our Infantry, as with other images, can come ready to outfit or with some/all of what they need. This can include: wardrobe, props, weapons, camp; (tack and/or livestock - Senior Officers ONLY) and etc. Images include Infantry Officers, NCO's and Enlisted Men, for both Civil War Union and Confederate, as well as Indian Wars and Mexican War U.S. images.
Mounted Infantry Officer
Mounted CS Senior
Infantry Officer

     Our Infantry is exclusively made up of experienced Re-Enactors. The reason for this is because of that experience. They are drilled in the Manual of Arms from the appropriate time period. Because of the inherently dangerous nature of re-enacting battles, safety is strictly enforced by their re-enactor officers. They are experts in every aspect of the Infantry Soldier of the 1800's. Many of them have participated in more battles than the soldiers that they have chosen to portray. Their longevity is, of course, helped by the fact that when the battles is over, the dead can get up to fight again.

     AzRA's Infantry can be seen in Blind Justice; Geronimo (TNT); Young Riders; Glory; Alamo, Price of Freedom; Geronimo, an Arizona Legacy (KPNX Phoenix); North and South, Book II; and The Coming Fury.

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